Dr. James Kelley
President, Brave Endurance
James has a Ph.D. in International Marketing, with a research focus on individual behaviors that help increase employee engagement. Through his research, James has published his work in several academic journals and has presented at multiple conferences. In addition to being the President of Brave Endurance and host of a podcast Executive After Hours: Real conversations with leaders, James teaches marketing strategy, international marketing, consumer behavior and several other marketing classes at United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, UAE (beginning Fall 16).
Over the last two years, James has been cultivating a podcast audience while building his consulting business. The podcast has offered James the opportunity to meet and interview many thought leaders across various industries and has helped shape his consulting practice. With a unique background in consumer behavior, teaching, and international experiences, James possesses an ideal cocktail of talent that has benefited several companies.
James has extensive experience working with organizations to conduct research that provides a richer understanding of their corporate initiatives that focus on wellness.
James originates from Portland, Oregon, and beginning in August 2016, James and his family will be residing in Al Ain, UAE for a four adventure. James has been fortunate to live in Australia and Japan for the extended period of time. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Dayton, MBA from Wagner College, and his Master’s of Management Research and Ph. D., from the University of Western Australia (Perth).